  • 13 June 2022
  • U.K.
  • DAF CF Electric model leaves the Earth’s atmosphere (and returns safely!)
  • Social Media campaign reaffirms the DAF Trucks’ focus on sustainability
  • DAF LF Electric put through its paces with truck industry media pundits
  • Leyland Trucks’ Carl Hergart and Prof. David Cebon look at clean technologies

DAF Trucks launches into space on World Environment Day

DAF Trucks has marked World Environment Day by sending into space a model of its latest DAF CF Electric tractor unit, courtesy of high-altitude balloon operators, Sent Into

Space. The 240 gramme model was sent skyward on 5thJune and reached a vertigo-inducing 33,000 metres, before dropping under controlled conditions to a remote landing site.

The BBC's Grace Webb describes the DAF CF Electric tractor unit's journey into space

The feat coincided with World Environment Day which included events from individuals and organisations taking place across the world over the weekend of the 4th & 5th June. DAF Trucks’ balloon launch video, hosted by the BBC’s Grace Webb, also brings into focus DAF Trucks’ commitment to sustainability, with increasing numbers of the UK market-leader’s DAF LF Electric and CF Electric trucks being delivered to customers, alongside extensive research and development into alternative drive systems.

Picking-up on World Environment Day, DAF Trucks has been producing a series of video shorts to showcase the design, development and the driving characteristics of its latest electric vehicles. Industry pundits, Matthew Eisenegger from CV Media and electric vehicle expert Tim Campbell from Campbell Consultancy, teamed-up to produce a behind-the-wheel appraisal of a DAF LF Electric. Meanwhile, Carl Hergart, Chief Engineer at Leyland Trucks, compares a diesel-powered DAF LF with its LF Electric stablemate, and how the latter has been developed. 

DAF Trucks’ latest video features Director of the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight, Professor David Cebon, who presents his thoughts on the three leading potential alternative drive technologies for long-distance haulage; battery electric, catenary and hydrogen.

“The launch into space of the DAF CF Electric was a hugely enjoyable PR feat,” said DAF Trucks’ Marketing Manager, Phil Moon, “it was a great way to engage with our Social Media audience and to bring their attention to World Environment Day. DAF Trucks is serious about addressing climate change, and our series of electric vehicle videos carry an important message that alternative drive systems represent the future of the transport industry, and they’re here to stay.”



For further details please contact:

Phil Moon,
DAF Trucks Ltd.
T:  07802 612172

Phil Moon