2022 Modern Slavery Statement – PACCAR Financial Plc
Structure and Supply Chains
PACCAR Financial Plc is an UK registered company operating in the United Kingdom and in Ireland. PACCAR Financial Plc is a single site enterprise with its office in Haddenham, UK, and is employing 52 persons..
PACCAR Financial Plc is a subsidiary of PACCAR Financial Europe B.V., a Dutch holding company based in Eindhoven. PACCAR Inc., a world’s leading manufacturer of trucks, headquartered in Bellevue, Washington United States of America, is the ultimate parent company. In Europe the trucks are produced under the name of DAF Trucks.
PACCAR Financial Plc is the captive financing company for DAF Trucks and provides financial solutions to customers of DAF Trucks in the UK and Ireland.
Modern Slavery disclosures and procedures are the responsibility of the senior leadership team. PACCAR Financial Plc works closely with its supply chain to ensure compliance with laws and regulations; modern slavery forms part of these requirements. PACCAR Financial Plc plans to continually improve in the area of monitoring for and managing risks of modern slavery.
Policies on Modern Slavery
PACCAR Financial Plc, along with the global PACCAR organisation, is committed to ensuring that its suppliers do not use slave labour or engage in human trafficking.
PACCAR has a Code of Business Conduct (Code) ( About US | PACCAR) requiring officers and employees to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Employees receive training on the Code, which is published on the company’s intranet. Any employee determined to have violated the Code will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination in accordance with local law.
PACCAR Financial Plc recruitment and equal opportunities policy acknowledges our recruitment processes are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act and our recruitment processes include eligibility to work checks.
Our policies and procedures are subject to continuous and ongoing periodical review.
Due Diligence Processes, Risk Assessment and Measuring Effectiveness
Our recruitment processes are transparent. Communication to discuss job opportunities and to confirm the details of any offer made takes place directly with candidates. There are robust procedures in place for the vetting of new employees and agency staff that enable us to confirm their identities and that ensure they are paid directly.
PACCAR Financial Plc expects all contracted business partners in the supply chain to uphold high standards of conduct. PACCAR Financial Plc clearly communicates its expectations; obligations for business partners include the ethical behaviour clauses that form an important part of our contracts. On every appropriate occasion and every time the business relationship is up for renewal these items are part of the dialogue.
We are developing a more comprehensive due diligence process to be utilised as part of our regular supplier quality assessments to identify the risk of modern slavery. We will also review Modern Slavery Statements of key suppliers who are required to publish such statements and seek further information as necessary from these suppliers. Senior management will assess the effectiveness of our efforts to identify and reduce the risk of any modern slavery in our supply chain.
Training for staff
The senior management team at PACCAR Financial Plc are briefed on the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act.
The PACCAR group’s training curriculum for Purchasing and Supplier Quality personnel includes awareness training regarding prevention of slave labour and human trafficking.
PACCAR Financial Plc, being part of the PACCAR group, periodically reviews the content of its compliance training programme and has implemented this year a risk-based modern slavery awareness content for the training programme for all employees.
Employees are encouraged to report any potential incidents or grievances to their manager, Compliance Officer or to the PACCAR Ethics Hotline. Details are published on the company’s intranet.
This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the Company’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the year ended 31 December 2022. It is approved by the Board of Directors and signed on their behalf by Steve Barfoot, Managing Director, PACCAR Financial Plc.