  • 07 June 2021
  • Eindhoven

Avoid fines for driving while holding a CB microphone

Holding a CB microphone while driving has been banned in Germany since 1 July 2020. But up until now, this change to the road traffic laws has not really been enforced. However, that is about to change. German police now have the authority to issue offenders with a fine of €100.


Improving road safety

In addition to a fine, German drivers can also look forward to having their driving licence endorsed with penalty points. Not to mention that if using a CB microphone ends up causing an accident, for example, you could face a driving ban. These are strict measures that are intended to improve road safety on the Autobahn. The reasoning behind the ban is that holding a microphone or phone while driving takes your focus off the road. There's a good reason that German legislation now equates the use of a CB radio with a separate microphone to holding a phone. But what are the alternatives?

Smart VOX technology

We offer a number of products in the DAF Webshop that will allow you to continue using a CB radio, without the risk of being fined. For example, a variety of CB radios with smart VOX (voice-operated exchange) technology are available. This technology switches on the radio automatically when you speak at a particular volume, which you can set yourself. Want to equip your existing CB radio with VOX technology? Then choose one of the plug-and-play solutions. These can be purchased at very reasonable prices, are widely available and they work flawlessly with most well-known brands of CB systems.

Check out our range of CB radios with VOX technology and our hands-free microphones here and order via the DAF Webshop. Don't have a DAF Webshop account yet? Create your account straight away. Go to and profit from all the benefits of a free user account.